Living up to your potential?

Are you satisfied or happy with the progress and gains you've achieved in your life?

Are you living up to your potential?

These, I find, are questions we like to shy away from.  Why? Two reasons:

1. There tends to be a gap between what we really want to achieve in our lives and where we’re at, and frequently we do very little to close that gap. Sometimes it’s because we don’t know how to close the gap, but more often than not, it’s because closing the gap requires change, transition, sacrifice.

2. Whether we like to believe it or not, we all limit ourselves significantly. We place a titanium lid on our capacity that is difficult to remove, but it’s not impossible.

We need to see beyond what we think we are capable of and begin to imagine the possibilities.

Could it be, there is something for you out there that you're not yet aware of?

What are the doors of growth that you must be willing to invest in to find out?

In his book, No Limits, John C Maxwell says, "What stops people from reaching their capacity often isn't lack of desire, it's usually lack of awareness."

Remember that growth doesn’t happen accidentally, we must pursue it, invest in it, and commit to it.

Perhaps it's a good thing to realize that we can improve our capacity. Perhaps the day we realize that we're living mundane lives is also a good thing because it forces us to question ourselves. Perhaps it's a good thing to become aware there is potential we haven't tapped into yet, and that no matter the circumstances it's not too late. It never is.

Most of what keeps us feeling stuck and trapped is because we've self-imposed limitations or listened and internalized the limitations that others have placed on us.

What's holding you back?

What area of your life would you like to set a new capacity challenge in?

Here are 10 things you can start doing to move into our capacity:

1. Hang around people that you know have reached what you would like to reach

2. Read more and expose yourself to new ideas.

3. Intentionally make a growth plan for the next year.

4. Take inventory of the areas where you are the strongest and keep developing yourself there.

5. Find ways to add value to the people around you.

6. Invest in yourself by hiring a coach.

7. Create and live more in the energy of urgency.

8. Develop self curiosity.

9. Know your purpose, familiarize yourself with it, and wake up everyday aligning everything you do to it.

10. Decide on 6 things you will do to move you into action. Action is always the key.

Happy Self-reflection!



Embracing the Storm


Become Curious, About Yourself