Become Curious, About Yourself

How curious are you feeling about you these days?

I started becoming very curious about myself the moment I understood that my potential was bigger than I imagined.

Since then, I am continually wondering what I’m capable of. My curiosity about myself has increased significantly. I’m continually self-reflecting, self-exploring, becoming more honest with myself. I’m getting to know myself better than I ever have.

It’s a deliberate journey and one that is quite unpredictable because we’re continually having to navigate through life-stuff, life-complications, life-problems that we’re not familiar with and keeps us growing, but only if we want to.

As John C. Maxwell says, “Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow is going to get better.”

Here are a few questions for you to reflect on and help you become more self-curious: 

1.     What is it that makes you instinctively respond the way you do?

2.     What behavioral patterns do you wish you no longer had?

3.     How often do you think to yourself, “well, this is just the way I am”? Do you assume you know everything you need to about yourself?

4.     How amazed are you by who you are?

5.     What boundaries do you set to your self-judgment and self-guilt?

6.     When you’re having to face an unknown circumstance, could you ask yourself “What is the story I’m telling myself about this situation”?

7.     Ask yourself, “I wonder what it would be like if I ___________”?

8.     What could happen if I looked deeper into what I’m experiencing?

9.     What else could be going on here that I haven’t explored?

10.  What might I have overlooked in this situation that I’m afraid to confront?

11.  How can I make space for another interpretation to this situation?

12.  What could I do to take control of my emotions at this time?

For more self-reflective questions on curiosity click on the link below to go to my blog:

Are you able, willing, and ready to get more curious about yourself, your potential, and grow your desire to grow?

Join me on Wednesdays from 12:00 – 1:30 for Impact Leadership. You can join at any time and choose between a 3-month or 6-month commitment. Contact me for more information.

Here is the link:

Faith, Love, and Courage.



Living up to your potential?


The Unexamined Life